The 5 Love Languages & How They Could Help You This Christmas!

Hello! We hope you're managing to take some time for yourself this festive season. As we know, December flies by so quickly, and it's easy to become burned out without realising! Since the launch of our Christmas Shop, we've been discussing Christmas shopping this year in general. As a shop, you'd think we'd be trying to sell all the items we can, but in all honesty, it's not all that we're about! Sure our purpose is to gift good quality items from our home to yours, but this year things may look a little different - and we think that this might be a slight silver lining to all this madness. The irony of Black Friday after Thanksgiving is not lost on us, and although we're a UK-based company, we totally believe that filling your virtual trolleys with stuff does not make for a fulfilling life in any part of the world. What if we took back gift-giving and made 2020 the year we got intentional about Christmas?

"The 5 Love Languages" - the 1992 book by Dr. Gary Chapman tells us that there are in fact different ways that people express and experience love: Words of Affirmation; Quality Time; Receiving Gifts; Acts of Service and Physical Touch.

If this sounds a little too lovey-dovey for you, we totally get it! But think about it - do you have somebody in your life who you can never find the perfect gift for? How about somebody who insists they don't need anything because "they already have too much"?! Do you have somebody who you would love to spend more time with, or who always calls to check in on you? Perhaps it isn't a gift in the traditional sense that they require at all - perhaps it's you. Could this be an opportunity (whilst saving some time and money!) to plan to go on a day-date (perhaps a virtual one for the foreseeable, but perhaps all the more important!) or maybe you could cook an extra meal portion for that neighbour who lives alone, or that single parent for whom there aren't enough hours in the day and who would really appreciate an 'Act of Service' - seemingly small on your part, but that would mean the world to them? We think there might be something in this! We wonder what your Love Language is?! Take the quiz over on the "5 Love Languages" website and see what answer you get!

If however, you are buying for a 'gift' person, we have plenty of lovingly picked items that will do just the trick!

The Secret Santa:


The Wildcard:


The Person Who's Had A Tough Year:


Finally, don't forget yourself this Christmas! It's important to try your best to take some time out. If you're not sure who you might get an opportunity to exchange gifts with this year, here's an idea you might be alright with keeping for yourself...


Whatever your plans are this December, we hope you manage to have a wonderful time. Here's to 2021.
The Pretty Odd Team x

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