Thank you! We Hope You Have The Best Christmas Possible This Year!



We just wanted to start this week's blog post by saying a massive thank you. Thank you to everybody who has continued to support us this year. In spite of everything 2020 has thrown at us, we reckon we've all done pretty well! If you're reading this, know that you've survived your worst day, and although we know Christmas will be a little different this year, we hope you can take something good from the season. Whether it be speaking (maybe at a distance!) to a loved one, managing to do something that you can do every year, or perhaps creating a new tradition.

This week we’ve been trying to wrap us as much as we can, eyeing up our candle collection (one may come home with us!) and sipping on ice tea (not seasonal, but I’m trying to balance out the shear amount of Quality Street combinations I've eaten already since the tape came off way too early).

We've also made time to use some of our fave shop items (we use them all!) to conduct our annual florentine-athon for friends and family. Thank you also to everybody who has played their part this year, NHS, teachers, delivery drivers (OMG what would we do without you?!) Thank you. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, whatever the heck happens. We’re signing off in 2020, with lots of exciting things to come. See you on the other side.


The Pretty Odd Team x


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