January Was Gentle. Surrounding Yourself With Your Favourite Things & Setting Yourself Up For Success...

How are you? Are you happy that January is almost over?!
I was going to try and write something super profound, but actually what I've loved most this month is being kind with my goals and throwing myself into things I love, planting seeds for the months ahead. Here are a few things I've been surrounding myself with lately...
Yes. This spooky ghoul is back to pastels for spring. I've got my new pastel highlighters, my sun lamp on and my new notebooks. I'm ready. (I'm not rushing into using the new notebooks, actually no. I will. No more waiting for a special occasion - ha!)
There's something about this time of year that makes me yearn for sunshine shades, trips to the garden centre and brand new pens.
"Florals? For Spring? Ground breaking." Whatever makes you happy. I find that rolling with the colours of the seasons keeps me in tune with the world around me and helps me to appreciate each one individually, instead of wishing it was Autumn... which I have been known to do! New stationery might not fix all your problems, but it did make me clean my desk, which I like to see as synergy. I'll take it!
I bought a new cooking pot. Mine is lilac, and it even featured in a reel over on Instagram the other day. I've officially reached the age where I enjoy spending money on useful cooking supplies. I know what we use, I know what's just a fad and it makes me smile whenever I see her sat there.
(Plus with my minimal one thing in, two things out rule, it helps to keep the kitchen clean and tidy and makes me want to cook more. Winner. Would recommend!)
While we're talking about food, get yourself a good lunchbox for work. Something that's easy to clean, that will last and is versatile. Do you need compartments? Can you remove them when you decide that the thing you've eaten everyday for the last two weeks, you absolutely hate now and needs replacing with another meal idea you want to try?! This along with a weekly shop keeps me as focused as I'm prepared to be right now and stops me (mostly) popping to Greggs when the sausage rolls come out the oven.
Also, did you know that you can put what you want in your lunchbox?! It doesn't even have to be the healthiest thing in the world! If it stops you spending and it means you're not skipping lunch because you're too busy then that's great. Just don't forget to pop out for a walk even if you've brought your own food in. I'm trying, and I always feel better. Even better when I don't have to go into Greggs because I've already eaten something from my fancy new lunchbox. Wahay!
This painting. I love it. It was £5 from a charity shop complete with frame. It makes me happy, and it doesn't count as clutter because it's on the wall. Right?! I think I like it because of the Spring-like colours and the fact it's nature. I like to look at it when I walk past it to stick the kettle on. I'm heavily fuelled by tea lately.
...and finally... I'm really trying to keep some sort of night time routine going, that I can change if I need to.
Whether it's doing your own thing until 8pm and then agreeing to watch a show together, or whether it's scheduling in half an hour to read before bed, scroll on Pinterest or just have a bath. That way these winter nights won't feel like a blur and you'll have something to look forward to after work that will get you in the mood to wind down before bed. Have a few options ready so you can change it dependent on how you feel, but try and carve out some time to chill out so we're not living for the weekend.
I hope this helps, I know it's helped me! What are some things you're enjoying over these dark evenings? Don't worry, spring is coming and I can't wait!
If you're in the mood to treat yourself to a new mug, candle or a weekend treat -
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Thank you, as ever for your continued support!
The Pretty Odd Team x

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