5 Steps To Get The Most Out Of Our Reward Points

Pretty Odd Butterfly Reward Points Blog Image

Did you know we have a Customer Rewards system where you can get money off ALL of our products? Well we do! Our rewards points are called ‘Butterflies’ after our cute little mascot found in our logo, and the best part is, you just need to create an account to get started with.

Alright then, let’s get started and once you’ve followed our 5 step guide, you will be collecting butterflies quicker than someone with a giant net!

Step 1 – How Do I Find The Customer Rewards Zone?

Pretty Odd Guide Homepage Image

Once you are on the Pretty Odd website (thank you by the way, we love having you here) you will notice there is a white shopping bag icon in a black circle in the bottom left corner of the screen. That is a shortcut to our ‘Customer Rewards Zone’, and once you have clicked on the icon, you will be ready to proceed to the next step.

(Please note: For this guide we will be showing how it looks on mobile, but all steps will work on tablets and computers too!)

Step 2 – Join Now or Sign In

Pretty Odd Guide Join Now Image

Once you have clicked the icon, you will be greeted with one of two screens, the first is for anyone who hasn’t created an account or hasn’t logged in yet. As you can see above you can ‘Join Now’ or ‘Sign In’, as well as sections telling you how to earn Butterflies and how to redeem them once you have earned enough.

So, once you have created an account with Pretty Odd and go back to the Customer Rewards Zone, you will be greeted with the following screen.

Pretty Odd Guide Your Butterflies Image

As you can see from this screen, the example person who is now logged in has 75 Butterflies (let’s call them Mrs Rho Palocera because why not?), which is really good isn’t it? Oh right you’re not sure what that means, very well if we click on the ‘Ways To Earn’ option you will see the following screen.

Step 3 – Ways To Earn & Ways To Redeem

Pretty Odd Ways To Earn Points Image

As you can see from the image above, you can earn the following points by doing:

Sign Up – The beauty of this one is, you will automatically receive 20 Butterflies once you sign up, you won’t need to do anything else and it should appear in your total tally amount at the top of the screen.

Follow on Instagram – Click the button, it will direct to our Instagram page and once you have followed the page, you will earn 15 Butterflies, quick and easy! Mrs Rho Palocera hasn’t done this yet, so this option is still available whenever they want to Follow us.
(Please remember, you must click through from this button to follow the page, if you go directly to Instagram and follow us, it will not count and you won’t receive those 15 beautiful Butterflies).

So once you have done every option on your initial sign up, you will earn 35 Butterflies, but that’s not the only way to earn Butterflies, and this is the most important:

Place an order – Earn 1 Butterfly for every £1 spent: So for every purchase you make with us (again, thank you we love having you here) then you will earn points, so if you bought a few items and the total came to £24.75, you will earn 25 points.
(Please remember it does round up the figure to calculate Butterflies and postage is not included in that total).

Step 4 – How Do Butterflies Transfer To Money Off?

Pretty Odd Guide Ways To Redeem Image

A very good question, so a very vital bit of information here is 50 Butterflies = £1 off.

And an important note is you can only redeem full £1 amounts, so for example if you had 123 Butterflies, you could redeem 50 Butterflies = £1 Voucher (with 73 Butterflies left) or 100 Butterflies = £2 Voucher (with 23 Butterflies left) and those additional Butterflies will remain in the ‘Your Butterflies’ tally when you go back to the main screen in the Customer Rewards Zone.

Pretty Odd Guide Redeem Money Image

So once you have 50+ points and want to redeem them on a purchase, click the ‘Ways To Redeem’ option, you will see you are now eligible for that sweet Butterflies conversion by clicking the ‘Redeem’ button.

Pretty Odd Guide Discount Code Image

For this example, Mrs Rho Palocera has selected £1 worth of Butterflies and they have received a code (which has been censored for this guide) to be used during checkout, so the best thing to do is click the ‘Apply Code’ button and this will be automatically added when you finalise your purchase.

Step 5 – Using Your Coupon At Checkout

Pretty Odd Guide Checkout Image

This is the final step, and the most fun because you are buying something AND getting money off, a double winner!

As you can see above, Mrs Rho Palocera is ordering one of our delicious White Rabbit’s Chocolate Eggs pouches (possibly for themselves or a loved one, eithers a good choice) and the coupon has automatically applied when they have proceeded to checkout stage!

And the best thing is (wait there’s more?) - once the purchase has been finalised you will receive more Butterflies as a thank you from us.

And that’s it! We hope this has helped explained how everything works.

Please remember to be logged in when you are purchasing items from us – it will not only speed things up by remembering your saved details, but you may not redeem Butterflies whilst completing the checkout as a guest or not signed in.


Thank you, as ever for your continued support!

The Pretty Odd Team x

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